The teeth and "gums" used in a chrome denture are no different from those used in acrylic dentures. However, chrome, being much stronger than acrylic, allows a slimmer and sleeker design of the denture base. Not only can the base be thinner, it can also cover a smaller area of the mouth. Higher accuracy also provides a better fit. It's not surprising that in most cases, chrome dentures are superior to their acrylic equivalents. If function and durability are what you want in a denture, then go straight for chrome dentures.

Are there any disadvantages of chrome dentures over acrylic dentures? Well, first of all, chrome dentures are more expensive and take a longer time to construct. It is also important to note that chrome dentures often show more metal than acrylic dentures with thin wire clasps. Are you OK with the thick chrome clasps and rests? There are patients who deny that they are uncomfortable about the thick metal claps on their chrome dentures but keep complaining about other vague or non-existent problems instead. It is important to be frank with your dentist. However, one real problem with very large full upper chrome dentures, is the weight. In cases where the patient's upper jaw is not well-endowed with a high ridge or deep palate, full chrome dentures will be heavy and unretentive.
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