Getting here: Coming out from Orchard MRT, head for the Wisma Atria exit. As you exit the station, you'll see the passage to Wisma Atria on your right, a Seven Eleven store and with DBS Autobank on your left. Go through the underpass (on the left) until you see an Orchard Road exit on your right. Go up that escalator and walk past Tangs towards Lucky Plaza. From the trademark bubble lift overlooking Orchard Road, go up to the 5th level. You enter a maze of carpeted corridors. Just turn right after you have come out of the lift and you'll see us. Rainy day tip: Coming out from the MRT station, go for the Wisma Atria exit, walk straight through Wisma Atria until you reach the end of the building with a passageway leading to Takashimaya. Once you're inside Takashimaya, exit left where a Levis store and BritishIndia outlet are. You'll see an underpass. Descend into this underpass, walk to the other end and you'll find yourself in the basement of Lucky Plaza.

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