Many people have problem about the weight.
Now I have some menu to help you to lost your weight.
We can start from this menu...
Breakfast : 1 boiled egg or 1 cup of yoghurt or 1 glass of low fat milk or tea/coffee no sugar.
Lunch : 1 mixed vegetable salads (lettuce 50 g, broccoli, carrots, cabbage ,long bean (steamed or boiled)
Dinner : 1 - 2 apples , oranges, papaya , pineapple ,dragon fruits, watermelon .
Important part..
1. To succeed you must don't eat foods after 7.00 p.m.
2. Always have fresh and low - fat foods, fruits, vegetables and eat the foods slower.
3. Avoid foods that are high in calories and sugars such snakes, potatoes cheap, deep fried (frence fried) and soft drink.
4. Drink water a least 6 - 8 glasses a day.
5. Exercise a least 25 - 35 minutes every days.
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